
Saturday, February 23, 2013

Mardi Gras Cupcakes in the Making...

My day started with a drive out to Aloha to visit a friend.  It proved to be such a fun day with my pal Pamela Gillilan - owner of Pamela's Cakes & Cupcakes.

She was baking cupcakes for a wonderful Mardi Gras Party, and I was along for the ride, camera in hand.  The colors of an event that happens only once a year, that thousands celebrate with great excitement.

Such an amazing process to go from beginning to end with three dozen cupcakes. It intrigues me to see what passions abound, and to be able to capture it to share with others.

Here are a few of my favorites.....

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Sunshine makes me happy :)

Nothing like a little sunshine to brighten up your mood!  The gray days are hard to get motivated because the dreariness with continuous blacks and browns keep me indoors creating and framing.  Being a nature photographer means you NEED to get outdoors or you go a little bit craazy.

Let's take a look at some of the goodness I found today.....

So much to look happy to see that Spring is on it's way.  What will the next venture into the world bring to light...